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Iphone Repairs Manchester

Every company stands on the basis of pillars that define what it is and how it wants to serve its public. Unitech Computers is no exception and, thanks to the definition and the example, they managed to transform themselves into the consultancy, repair and delivery service of computers and mobile devices.

Although they work with a variety of models and brands, this company stands out for its ability with Apple brand devices, especially its quoted and globally used Iphone.

From a slowdown in the operating system to problems with hardware, there is nothing that escapes the expertise of the technicians at Unitech Computers. Thus, expressly, they dictate their values ​​and responsibilities as a company, as a source of help and, what is more important, as professionals.

In that sense, when customers hear about Unitech Computers, they identify the following:


Staying in a business with so much supply and demand is not easy, but managing the guarantee as a pillar will undoubtedly make things much easier. Unitech Computers customers know what to expect when they leave their devices in the hands of the repair staff: optimal execution.

However, any mishap or failure in the system – which does not escape technological misadventures – is immediately answered thanks to the guarantee of ninety days that management extends to each of the clients. In this way, the commitment of the staff to solve simple and complex problems is expressed implicitly.


A good company will be remembered for the effectiveness of its services and will be booed by the offer of mediocre services. Fortunately, the clients of Unitech Computers are homogeneous in one opinion: the responsibility of the company is faultless.

If the technical team stipulates a delivery date for the damaged equipment, that will be the day. It does not matter that. Also, the company takes into account any damage or injury that occurs during the repair process.


Sometimes, people feel self-conscious about taking their erratic devices to a technician due to price concerns. This is going to depend on the damage, it’s true, but the labor is also part of the cost of the invoice.

Unitech Computers merges credibility, experience, and accessibility by delivering services in exchange for fair prices. In fact, to be a company with so much demand, they try to manage tariffs that do not constitute an economic sacrifice for their customers, this, of course, to the extent possible.

Being hardware distributors, the advantage is even greater. They should not resort to third parties to find missing pieces. It is enough to review the inventory.


The customer service leaves an indelible mark on the first, second and all the impressions that are necessary to make a judgment about a certain service provider company.

Based on this, Unitech Computers puts in the hands of its entire staff, enables them to take the time to listen and address the concerns of each client. In this way, they will be able to know what they need for their equipment and extend confidence to make it clear that they can fix it.

Based in Nationwide, this company manages to sustain itself thanks to experience, professionalism and the treatment of its clients. If there is a computer or mobile device at home crying out for maintenance or repair, Unitech Computers is the best option.


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Computer Repairs Eccles Manchester

Without a doubt, computers have become the most ingenious machine the human being could have created. But the difficulty arises when it starts to work slowly or, simply, does not yield correct information.

At this time, you have to think of a technician who is trustworthy and who really knows the job. The team of professionals who work at Unitech Computers (NW) LTD, Manchester; guarantees excellent results in the repair of computers, at its headquarters located at Eccles.

For all the inhabitants of this town, a wide variety of services are available, which range from the most recent updates to the most complex repairs of desktop computers.

So if the ordering works slowly, reboots or has strange noises, do not think twice and go to the engineers of Unitech Computers (NW) LTD in Eccles. There they will focus on reviewing it to make an exact diagnosis, which provides a definitive solution to the problems that the software or hardware of the machine may present.

With the help and effort of the experts, they will ensure that the computer can be used with state-of-the-art operating systems, that it has maximum performance in networks that work wirelessly and has methods that provide the greatest security and protection.

One of the advantages offered by the company is that it has no limitations with the brands that exist in the market. In this way, they work with any computer, tablet, PC or laptop Lenovo, Apple, Intel, HP, IBM, Dell, Acer, Samsung, Compaq, Advent, emachines and many more.

By entering you will find a very reliable team, which has been doing its work with proven success for more than a decade, thanks to the most of 41,000 clients who have been cared for and who have been really satisfied.

Also, you can be confident that the experts will come up with the problem, be it a malicious virus, outdated software, strange noises, details on the screen or on the keyboard, inconveniences to charge it with the battery or with direct current, slow start, difficulty with the connection of the ports and other causes that may put your computer at risk.

When locating the reason why it does not work as it should, they will dedicate themselves to correct it with the corresponding spare parts and of recognized brands. In addition, they will make a series of recommendations so that the device has a better performance and correct the possible causes of the problem are presented so that it does not happen again.

Finally, Unitech Computers (NW) LTD not only repairs computers but also advises the client about the ideal way to keep the equipment in excellent condition to avoid problems in the future. This is appreciated and is something that not all technicians would do for users.

The most frequent is the loss of data, but the professionals of the company know the mechanisms to recover all the data and put them to safety, making a backup and attacking the root of the problem.

The batteries also show deterioration with the passage of time and their constant use. Therefore, they install some that provide the necessary energy and keep the equipment on, for as long as possible without overheating and without shutting off unexpectedly, losing valuable information.

By unitech / Phone repair / 0 Comments

Phone Repairs Manchester Arndale

Keeping in touch with our relatives, friends, colleagues, and being present on social media every day is something that has become absolutely necessary, and technology has been in charge of facilitating it, or it is precisely technology that has made people cannot live far from communication devices such as cell phones, which since its inception in 1973 by Motorola manager Martin Cooper has undergone major changes. At first, it was a device that weighed 780 grams and had a size of 33 X 9 X 4.5 cm, were analog and its battery lasted very little and was called Motorola Dynatac 8000X.

Today there are many advances that this device has suffered, existing in the market today an incalculable number of models, brands, sizes, and colors with different characteristics, promising to be more modern every day. Similarly, the number of devices sold per year is considerable, generating cell phone companies billions of dollars.

Cell phones are the most used electronic devices worldwide, it is very difficult to find in any city or town a person who does not have a cell phone. And is that not only serve to communicate, but they are able to fulfill different tasks and functions facilitating life to people. Cell phones not only serve to communicate by conventional calls but also offer the possibility of communicating through text messages or WhatsApp, you can take photos, capture videos, play games, surf the Internet, listen to music and many other tasks.

With a smart cell phone, an executive does not need to attend the office to be productive, people do not need to go to the bank to make transactions, go to stores to make purchases, nor is it mandatory to be present at a conference to attend. The Smartphone has diminished the distances between family, friends, couples, and people in general. Through the screen of cell phone, you can see and converse with people who are thousands of kilometers away with just one connection.

More than 40 years have passed since its creation and perhaps together with the internet, it has become one of the most important and essential inventions for humanity thanks to its multiple functions and which are improved even more over the years.

Among the main cell phone manufacturers, we can mention Huawei, Apple, Samsung, Nokia, HTC, ZTE, Motorola LG, Alcatel, Nokia and Xiaomi among others. And at Unitech Computers (NW) LTD., they have the ability to repair these brands and many others. By logging on to the website you can get all the necessary information about the services you can get in Manchester Arndale telephone repairs and if the brand of your phone is not in the list you can send an email, chat with the staff that is online, call or go to the address you will find on the site.

In Unitech Computers (NW) LTD. you will get a team of engineers and technicians specialized in repair of cell phones of all brands, no matter what the fault that your Smartphone may present they perform a diagnostic expert along with the solutions for your phone to work to perfection.

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Phone Repairs Denton Manchester

Denton is one of the areas belonging to the county of Manchester that has a great activity, where its inhabitants have joined the dizzying pace of life that rules most people today and, therefore, require easy and accessible solutions at the time of needing any telephone repair in Denton.

As it is well known by all, to remain without a telephone or a computer, represents a serious problem for many, since these devices connect them with the outside world and solve a large number of problems, such as bill payments, request information, stay connected with others and much more.

Especially when they refer to smart phones, which have become an irreplaceable team, thanks to the kindness that it offers, for this reason, Unitech Computers (NW) LTD is dedicated to solving any failure that may occur and put them operational in a very short time.

With headquarters in Manchester, Unitech Computers (NW) LTD has become the most qualified store, which provides repair service in all electronic devices that are available in the market.

Professional experts are very committed and have all the technical tools to solve problems related to the software or hardware of the phone. Also, they are able to replace damaged screens or problems with batteries to charge them.

The staff is trained to work with the most varied brands and the latest models that are for sale. Are ready to check your iPhone, iPod or cell phone that has been damaged by shock, by the action of water, changes in the voltage of the electric current, problems with the headphones, that is affected by a virus or any other reason.

As soon as they receive the smartphone, the engineers are given the task of reviewing it and making the precise diagnosis, with the aim of beginning to repair it and that is ready to work immediately.

For this, they are in permanent contact with the customer, reporting step by step on the breakdowns found and providing all possible plans for the owner to find out the situation in which his phone is located and make the best decision and the one that more convenient for you

In this way, you avoid having to buy a new device and spend more than expected. Rest assured that the equipment will find the fault and will replace all the necessary parts quickly, to deliver it again in the place of Denton in which it is.

Among the failures that are presented are the external glass screens broken by some kind of impact, LCD screens cracked under the glass cover, which prevents you to see clearly the information that arrives; damage from overcharging or overheating, applications that freeze and do not work properly, does not accept load or does not indicate when it is receiving, damage to the touch system, preventing applications from working on the screen or problems with the power button.

If you are a resident of Denton, Manchester and require an urgent telephone repair service, check the website Surely you will find the solution to your problem quickly and efficiently, having your cell phone active in a very short time and with a 3-month guarantee.

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Iphone Repair Manchester Piccadilly

After the Android operating system, whose platform is held as the most demanded in the world, it is Iphone -of OS iOS- that second this technological hegemony. This causes the demand for repairs is equally significant.

Unitech Computers, a company dedicated to the maintenance, repair and consulting of cell phones and computers, manages a wide variety of services dedicated to the devices of the bitten manzanita. From the 4S versions onwards, until the most recent one -Iphone X-, the technology adapts and includes the following fixes.

Data recovery

It is the cheapest and most demanded service for the devices, and they generally occur when a mismatch in the operating system results in the total or partial loss of images, videos, audios and irreplaceable files for the owner.

Normally, data restoration takes no more than a couple of hours. However, if the problem is fused with viruses or malignant agents – called malware – are detected, technicians alert the fault and proceed to repair it.

Sometimes, this additional recovery is done without extra credit. However, there are some exceptions-when parts of the hardware must be replaced or the condition requires a couple of days. This expense, however, is borne by the client only if this is shown in accordance with the budget.

Repair of the camera – front and rear.

Since in this section you must change parts of the phone, the repairs of the cameras – when it is an iPhone – usually cost a few extra pounds sterling. However, Unitech Computers is responsible for making it work.

This replacement is also common among technicians. It is socially proven that people who buy Iphone, especially the new versions, focus their interest on the quality of the front and rear cameras.

With this data, it is not wrong to suppose that some failure presented by the main source of multimedia translates into an annoyance for the owners. The good news is that the repair process is not complicated at all. Normally, in less than 24 hours clients will be able to withdraw or receive them by correspondence – if that is the case.

Signal configuration

Apple has a branch of its stores in almost every major city in the world. Manchester and London are not exceptions. Therefore, city dwellers can acquire their phones directly in the country, automatically configured.

However, there is always a customer who has purchased the product from virtual stores, such as Amazon. This order is sent directly from the United States and serves the adjustments of that country. Sometimes, even the most basic functions are disconnected.

What good is a cell phone that does not connect the data network? You’re welcome, of course! To that disappointment, precisely, the technicians of Unitech Computers are directed when their clients request the service.

This configuration what it does, basically, is to release the restrictions of the country, accessing international SIM cards. Once the phone is unlocked, you will access any wireless mobile network without complications.

Screen replacement

One of the most expensive and pressing services for clients and, also, of the most common. It happens that, although the screens of the Iphone are characterized by their resistance; however, a blunt impact can splinter and completely damage the LED.

The act of repair takes between 24 and 48 hours if the screen is available in the stock of Unitech Computers.

IPhone Repair Services

By unitech / Phone repair / 0 Comments

OnePlus 6T Unlock The Speed

The OnePlus 6 was already a great phone to own, and the subtle changes make the OnePlus 6T even better in many respects. However, it does so without feeling too different from the phone it succeeds. There are flagship Android phones. Then there are Android phones positioned as flagship killers. And then there are the phones that start out in life as flagship killers, but eventually make the transformation to a flagship themselves quite successfully.

Read more “OnePlus 6T Unlock The Speed”

Unlocking PIN protected devices

Most repair companies will tell you that the gaming consoles are too complicated to be repaired. But, we say that it is possible because it needs more technicalities that our team has. If you are looking to get your game consoles repaired, come to us and we will make sure that they work as good as the new ones.

Read more “Unlocking PIN protected devices”

Recovering data from SIM card

When it comes to the First and Second generation of the iPhone, you have to first take out the SIM tray with a small paperclip. Then remove the screws on both sides of the charging spot and take off the back cover using a little force. Detach the ribbon cable that connects the case to the motherboard and remove the display panel using a spudger. The motherboard had to removed after you have located and removed about 8 screws and a “4” ribbon cable.

Read more “Recovering data from SIM card”